Hello All! I'm new to this whole blogging world, but many of my friends have them and I find them fascinating. Therefore, I decided to start my own. :) I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I think I will enjoy updating.
For those who may not know me, I recently turned the dreaded 3-0! It was a big event for me and even a little depressing. I can't say I'm in my 20's any longer and I can't remember the last time I was carded for anything. With that being said, I am looking forward to being 30 and hope to make it a memorable time with my family and friends. I believe strongly that your life is all about the memories you make and trying to make the most of the time we're here.
I have been married to my hubby for nearly 10 years. (It'll be 10 in December! Where does time go??) He is 100% my best friend and I don't know what I would do without him. He is a Sr. Corporal for the Dallas Police Department and I couldn't be more proud of him. When he puts on his uniform it always brings a tear to my eye knowing that he loves what he does so much and with no regard for his own safety. How many people can say that? Ray will be turning 30 next week and we start the adventure of our 30's together! I'm very excited!
Now, to explain the title of my Blog, "Double Trouble, but oh so CUTE!". Ray and I have 2 boys ages 5 & 3. Raymond ("Ray Ray" to most people, unless he corrects you) and Andrew. Even as I write this, it's hard to organize my thoughts, because so many things come to mind when I think about them. They are amazing! Thus, much of my blogging will probably be about them. I am the typical parent who loves to brag about my kids. I try not to, I know it can be obnoxious, but I just burst with it if I don't! I hope you understand...
Ray Ray and Andrew are walking contradictions. They love each other with such amazing ferocity, yet they can fight with the best of them. True sibling love. They are also quite opposite in many ways, yet they are quite alike. I'll try to explain...
Raymond William Dominguez - born June 3, 2004, my oldest "baby". Named after both Ray's father (Raymond) and my father (William). Ray Ray is very hard to describe. He has such a gentle "old man" soul, as some people put it. He has always been mature and advanced beyond his age, even as a baby. He loves to help me with anything, which is fabulous, from cleaning toilets to dishes and laundry, if I need help with it, he's my man. He's very timid when you first meet him and then he can't stop talking. He has a very silly side, yet he can also be quite reserved. He loves books, puzzles, games, video games, talking, running (he's a great distance runner!) and singing. He is SO creative. I can listen to him make up stories for hours. He is very fearful of new things, but eventually wants to try everything (it just takes him awhile). He's like his daddy in his logic and ability to outwit people. He'll make a very good chess player soon. Ray Ray loves his family, especially his little brother. He is the best big brother. If Andrew is not around, he constantly has to know where he is and how he is doing. I am so proud of him and the little man he has become. He starts kindergarten in a few weeks and that should definitely be interesting. He is a sponge! He remembers EVERYTHING and actually enjoys learning. Ray and I are very blessed, by both of our boys and excited to guide them through their lives.
Andrew Ricardo Dominguez - born April 13, 2006, and definitely my baby! (Named after an uncle of mine (Andrew) and one of Ray's uncles who has passed and is missed dearly (Ricardo). Tough, stubborn little Andrew! Andrew is tiny (where Ray Ray is above average height). I call Andrew my cuddle monkey because he is so little and, even at 3, easy to cuddle. (Ray Ray was always all legs and gangly.) What to say about Andrew, lol! He will be my trouble maker, I can see it already. He has a fierce temper, when provoked. He's very stubborn and not fearful of anything or anyone! He will try anything, especially if his older brother is doing it. On the flip side, he will sit in my lap and put both of his hands on either side of my face and just sit and talk to me forever. It melts my heart every time. He can be so sweet and gentle. Unlike Ray Ray, he really does not care for books and learning as much, though he is quite smart. He is very much all boy! He likes to get dirty, play outside, crash all of his toys and can make anything into Optimus and Megatron to fight eachother. He will fall down and get up, bleeding or not, and continue to play. Should Ray Ray fall down, it's like the world is ending! He can't say his "s" very well, so I love when he says he's schweaty or wants to go schwimming. Too cute! He also says Woovie instead of Movie. I love it! Ray and I predict he'll be our athlete where Ray Ray will be the intellect and scholar. I may be wrong, and I will be very interested to see if I am.
Put them together and you definitely have DOUBLE TROUBLE. (Who love to drive me crazy at times!) LOL! I love you Raymond and Andrew!
~Sorry this was so long... I promise, future blogs will be much shorter. :)
So cute! (Your boys, that is!) I hope you keep up your blogging! :)
ReplyDeleteI like the blog...I hope you keep it updated!!! The boys really are too cute!!